Monthly Archives: June 2004

Today’s News

Posted ago by Douglas Hackney

June 23, 2004  I just read the newspaper for the first time in over six weeks.  That may not seem like too big of a deal, but I’ve been reading the paper every day there wasone available since I started …

America Knows No Tribe

Posted ago by Douglas Hackney

June 22, 2004    America knows no tribe.    This fact was first brought to light for me by a Sikkimese businessman during a three hourinterview I conducted with him on our trip to South Asia earlier this year.    …

The Footsteps of History

Posted ago by Douglas Hackney

June 5, 2004  Hello to all,  This morning I awoke to the soft pastel light of sunrise illuminating the two story high stone wall ofour bedroom. The light was filtered through the intricately carved stone latticework of the upperrow of …

Our Conversation with the Bedouin

Posted ago by Douglas Hackney

Please see the PDF document at: