First World Problems –
The first world is filled with problems.
Do I have the absolute hippest gadget?
Do I have the most fashionable clothes?
Do I have my kids in the most exclusive preschool?
Do I have the biggest house in the best neighborhood?
Do I drive the most desirable car?
There are different problems in other places.
Places where you plant, till and cut your crop by hand.
Places where, no matter your age or infirmity, you bundle and tie that crop by hand.
Places where you gather and carry those bundles by hand.
Places where all that hard, honest work yields simple things and simple pleasures.
Places, like here, where problems are actually problems, not inconveniences.
So, the next time you are convinced it’s a societal-scale crisis when the cable TV is out, just ask yourself, “Is this an inconvenience or a problem?”
And, before you answer that question, remember this post.
First World Problems Anthem 60 Second Spot | Hackneys Travel